Quentin Benitez, an EMAH master’s student at EUR IFSEA, won the DEMETER prize for his excellent M1 work.

Quentin Benitez, a student in the Marine Ecology and Fisheries Master’s program, EUR IFSEA’s flagship Master’s program, won the DEMETER prize for his M1 internship work entitled “Gelatinous fish in the Gulf of Lion: interactions with professional fishing and ways of exploiting them”, carried out under the supervision of the OP du Sud.
The DEMETER competition awards two prizes each year, with Quentin winning the prize for individual work.
This category tests the rigor of the research and the ability to propose long-term perspectives, on a subject aligned with the theme of food security.
The jury praised the quality of Quentin’s work, its applied dimension and the depth of his scientific reflection.

Frida LASRAM, Director of EUR IFSEA, and Carmen Battez, Project Manager at OP du Sud, were present at the award ceremony.
Interesting exchanges took place with Jean-François Isambert, President, and Sébastien Abis, General Manager of the DEMETER Club.

Well done to Quentin, and thanks to OP du Sud (Perrine Cuvilliers and Carmen Battez) for the quality of the coaching and to Club DEMETER for this fine recognition.

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