• Launch of the EUR IFSEA project in September 2022
    A 10-year project 2022-2023
  • Total cost 29.85M€
  • Funding from the National Research Agency under the PIA 4 Future Investments program: Excellence in all its forms bearing the reference “ANR-21-EXES-00” – 8.1ME
  • Location:
    • Boulogne-sur-Mer: 1st fishing port in France and 1st seafood processing center in Europe
    • Dunkirk : at the heart of a market of more than one hundred million consumers
    • Arras : hosting a renowned agro-food technical center
    • Bethune : hosting a technical platform of University of Artois dedicated to the environment and energy eco-efficiency
  • 2 universities, 3 research centers, 1 competitiveness cluster around seafood products
  • 4 research themes
  • 11 research laboratories
  • 10 master’s courses

The IFSEA graduate school brings together local research bodies and socio-economic partners within a unique programme embracing a holistic, transdisciplinary approach. It is structured around 4 complementary research and training themes covering the entire seafood sector, from sea to fork:

(1) Marine ecosystems, from biodiversity to sustainability of living ressouces

(2) Seafood safety and quality

(3) Supply chain engineering and international trade

(4) Governance and coastal planning policies

IFSEA partners

This work is supported by the graduate school IFSEA that benefits from a France 2030 grant (ANR-21-EXES-0011) operated by the French National Research Agency.
