IFSEA encompasses 10 master’s courses within 7 national categories. These courses are aligned with IFSEA specialties that share the same titles as the associated research themes.
At IFSEA, transdisciplinarity is of the utmost importance, with the objective being to prepare future generations of researchers and professionals to tackle the broad challenges faced by the marine, fisheries and seafood sector.
Building on the existing 10 Master’s degrees from its partner institutions, IFSEA proposes a modular teaching offer with transdisciplinary courses .
The IFSEA approach will promote transdisciplinarity, innovation by cross-fertilisation, immersion in research laboratories, international mobility and connections with the socio-economic world.
Students from each course will receive the diploma for which they enrolled, but will also receive a supplementary certification in the form of an IFSEA-accredited label for their involvement in a transdisciplinary approach. This certification will attest to their transdisciplinary skills in addressing environmental, societal, and economic challenges within the seafood sector, as well as ‘soft skills’ such as teamwork, responsiveness, adaptability, and a holistic understanding of issues that will facilitate their integration into the job market.