The IFSEA Board, representing the 5 partners, is in charge of strategic oversight of the graduate school.

IFSEA Executive Committee

The IFSEA Executive Committee, with 1 director and 4 coordinators (training, research, international partnership, socio-economic partnership), is in charge of operational management and implementation of the IFSEA strategic priorities.

Frida Ben Rais Lasram, professor of marine ecology at ULCO and director of the IFSEA graduate school
Raluca Mogos, Professor of marketing at ULCO. Training Coordinator
Kelig Mahe, IFREMER researcher. Research Coordinator
Rachid Amara, professor of marine ecology at ULCO. International Coordinator
Romdhane Karoui, professor of food science at Artois university. Socio-economic Partnership Coordinator

IFSEA Council

The IFSEA Council of 28 members ensures the correspondences between IFSEA priorities and research and training operators

International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board, composed of 6 to 8 external experts with outstanding international experience, provides external advice on IFSEA’S research and teaching strategy