ERASMUS+ BLUE ERA kick-off meeting

On Tuesday January 30, 2024, all the partners in the ERASMUS+ KA2-BHE project entitled Blue Era gathered at ULCO to take part in the official launch of the project (KOM). A total of 25 participants from 5 different countries and 9 universities (Italy, Greece, Jordan, Egypt and Tunisia) met for 3 days in Boulogne-sur-Mer.

The program included introductions to the various partners, presentation of the project, validation of objectives and definition of the action plan. Participants also exchanged views with the Aquimer competitiveness cluster team and Frida Lasram, Director of EUR IFSEA, and visited the Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences and the Centre National de la Mer Nausicàa.

The project, led by the Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale and directed by Rachid Amara, ULCO vice-president in charge of international relations and coordinator of the internationalization section of EUR IFSEA, will enable the establishment of a new master’s program in sustainable blue economy in the southern Mediterranean region (Region 3 countries: Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan).